Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

An Update

As time continues Ellen continues to amaze us all. After her first chemo treatment her spirits and white blood cell count were up. Her hair was up too, off her shoulders. Ellen's long locks have given way to a shorter 'do. Very cute. She prepared for her next trip to the cancer center with trepidation, but it was not as bad as expected. New medications and her determination to rest have helped.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

In the Beginning...


Ellen had her first treatment of chemotherapy. The sweetness in the air was compounded by the singing birds and glorious rainbows in the sky. Wait, this is the TRUE story. The truth is chemo stinks; putting poison in your body is like BEING POISONED!!! Ellen will lose her hair soon and be sporting the new "Bald is Beautiful" look. Troy Brady has vowed to shave his head in solidarity and will not allow another hair to grow on his head until Ellen's hair has grown back completely. The loyalty Troy displays is that of a true friend. Speaking of friends, please remember Ellen in your prayers as this the beginning for her. The next treatment is on Tuesday Jan 20. More to come...